Monday, July 26, 2010

Sin and Neurosis

Spero's paper on sin and neurosis is uncomfortable as to where this is heading ( Spero, 1982). Fear of sin is understandable in the context of obsessions and anxiety as neurosis. The concept of sin, internal locus of control and guilt is possibly not Freud's plan although Melanie Klein certainly talked about the guilt of splitting and hate appeased by reparation. It is a retrograde step blaming the victim I feel. Is this Freud's main concern about religion? Certainly as ethic or moral duty and the contest between id and super-ego one can see sin as cause of neurosis.
Spero, M.H. (1982) Sin and Neurosis in Reuven P. Bulka & Moshe HaLevi Spero Eds AS Psychology-Judaism Reader Springfield Illinois: Charles C.Thomas Publishers.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Solomon's Song of Songs- eros
also allegory?
sex, procreation,
Rebbe Nachman's story/ allegory of the switched prices, dream interpretation, music, gardens, kingship ad Shekinah.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Martin Buber

Martin Buber from Vienna Leipzig Berlin worked at the same time;same university as Freud and part of the community. He was going to study psychiatry. He criticized Freud and Jung. Needs a chapter to himself comparing his philosophy to Freud's. See reference

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

thoughts from Israel

Perhaps the Jewish people feel that Freud sold out on them, used the philosophy but refused to be art of the community or give credit where it as due. Maybe he also argued against some of the concepts.
Although he studied western philosophy and used words such as libido, psyche etc to fit in with German and western ideas, this was needed to be able to communicate. He was also brought up with Jewish philosophy- something complety different and hidden even now except for those ho seek to ask. Like the Chabad proselytes they ask if you are Jewish first- if so, you know, if not- have a nice day. Well it is only when all the Jewish souls are gathered, all the sparks of illumination within the husks have been gathered that the messianic age will occur. That means only the chosen ones. Freud was a humanist. We are all God's people and theerefore all chosen. We all suffer and we all need help. The individuality of Freud's era however is at odds with the communitarian approach of most older cultures, including Judaism.
The ancient tombs were headed by a pyramid with a benben on top. The Mount of lives is a necrpolis outside the city walls of the living. The journey for the second coming included icon and clothes for the next world as well as a body embalmed rather than mummified. The parrallels with ancient Egypt is large. Learning was very important to both cultures, the library at Alexandria and purported library in the temple of the Sphynx- the Shrine of the Book, Torah and the importance of the word, alphabet. Thee solar and celestial calendars for feasts and timing of the Shabbat, is the same as Ptolemy's. Need I add that the israelites lived in Egypt, followed ? an Egyptian Moses aand according to Freud followed Akinaten, who worshipped the one God- the Atun or sun God. So God is described as the light, illumination, the support of all life. Temples were built to allow the sun to enter the holy of holies at the correct time and day for sacred festivals, possibly sex for giving birth in Spring- like sowing ad reaping harvests. ( Lomas and Knight). The evil eye- the all seeing eye, the eye of Horus- Egyptian, Judaic, Freemasonry, Catholic-all the same.
One needs to wear a kippur, hat, scarf, wig to protect/ separate you from God, the light, the sun- so you dont get sunburnt? Shabbat prayers turn to the east and the west- the rising and setting sun?
So much of what is essentially Jewish philosophy has permeated our culture without us knowing it- like I think happened to Freud- unconscious Eg- my right hand man. The right hand is the positive apects of the Sepirot, the male ( I think), the active.
Freud had a beard- must see how many photos there are with him if any without beard- is this religious. So too had Marx but not Einstein.
Must check - Darwin 's relative was Erasmus- was he Jewish????
The evolution of Man and the developmental stages of Man towards perfection is a Kabbalist concept- ontogeny/phylogeny?? argument
6Must check what books were found in Freud's bookshelf that were Jewish and what his father wrote in the Phillipson's Bible- a mixture of different saying from the Bible and Talmud- ? Kabbalist discussions
Freud was seen as dour, depressed miserable and this is some of the arguments about him- obsessional etc. But he was in pain and a terrible operation - prosthetic jaw. Where is the evidence of the joyful family man the capacity to see through pain and suffering to the spark inide and the ability to dance in ecstasy.
How much influence had his grandfather over his life?
Where are the synagogues in Leopoldt strasse? Was there Chabad Houses?
What form of Judaism was he immersed in.
The candles at the tomb of the RaMBaN- reminded me of burnt offerings- sacrificial slaughter must have been seen a a primitive and unacceptable part of Christian worlds, so a symbolic offering that is burnt- same as the Catholic Church .
The symbol in dream interpretation need to be further elucidated
I think they are coded in the explanations of the aleph/beit.
Depresion is narcissism- poor me! The treatment is to see past the husks and move to the divine spark within- is this not the process of psychoanalyis?
more uestions than answers.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

moses and monotheism

The other Moses - Maimonides
Chapter 1 in Guide to the perplexed
explains the metaphorical, or abstract, internal perception through thought rather than a literal interpretation of the Talmud.
Possibly this is where Freud came to the thought of the Jewish person's capacity to abstract, given the unknowable nature of God.
Maimonides also says that man being made in God's image is an abstract idea. He argues that only humans have the capacity for speech and thought, which is how God communicated with them. So the capacity for thought is close to Godliness, not the physical form. Also idols were not the problem, only the incorporeal concept of what they symbolised was the problem. This is the stimulus to know thyself to know God. Maybe a pantheist approach, ie God is to be found within me and all humans.
Although one cannot deny that the sun produces the light on our Earth, without which we would not be here, at least in this form, the light is possibly enlightenment, thought, knowledge, the capacity to know and transcend nature. As in I see the light or the aha moment.
The more you introspect, the more disconnected you become with the physical world. Food becomes less important and thoughts and reflection become the food of the soul. I can attest to this. In this way, teaching people to know themselves, through psychoanalysis, which one hopes generalises to become a lifetime of self examination and reflection, is akin to Maimonides raah, hibbit and hazel and to find inner peace. In this way there is more moral understanding of good and evil, the apparent truths, rather than the necessary truths of true and false. This then leads tot he concept of Freud as the moralist. Freud however attempted to come to this learning by logical analysis, which he termed science.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Why Epicurus and Freud?
Look at our lives today.
What happened to friendship? With fragmentation of families, increased social mobility, 50% divorce rates and jails filled to overflowing. What about the hand of friendship to illegal aliens' and 'boat people?
What about consumerism? The gross consumerism which does not share with poorer nations. Obesity, mountains of rubbish, fast food, diabetes, long hours of work to buy ever larger houses full of material goods. Does any of it bring lasting happiness?
what about globalisation? The rape of the poor for the greed of the fat. Globalisation could have been a greater good but it was hijacked.
what about politics and war? War over religions. greed, oil. Nuclear arms race.The point is?
What happened to thinking? Decline in students seeking arts, humanities, philosophy education. Rise in science and sciencism. Lots of chatter but very little thinking.
Public education as industrial revolution mentality. Teach them enough to be able to be skilled enough to do their job- the cog in the great wheel of industry. Don't teach them to think or any more than they need or it just might be dangerous. Business schools that source large enterprises for content in learning. No wonder ethics is not taught. Business ethics is seen as an oxymoron! Business without ethics is a short term gain.
Individualism over communitarianism.
Homogeneity versus diversity
Environmental issues-pollution;global warming;oil spills on the reef;extinction of species;corporate take over of the genome and overpopulation to name a few.
We could learn a lot if we went back to Freud and Epicurus


What about a free online Journal of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis.
What about a virtual conference in philosophy and psychoanalysis. The papers from the conference can be published in the journal.
The journal can be Web2.0 friendly with discussion and videos.